Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How to tint glass

Stir food coloring into 1 tablespoon of water. Then add 2 tablespoons of Mod Podge (It’s a glue type liquid you can buy at most craft stores.) Stir together until you have what looks like pretty colored glue, then with a paint brush, paint the outside of a glass item. Let it dry for about 10 minutes.  Then if you wish add another coat. Set your oven for 170* F. Put wax paper on a cookies sheet, place glass on the sheet then bake the glass for 20 to 30 minutes. I would advise letting the glass cool in your kitchen before touching it but if you like cheap thrills go for it. If you want the color to last longer hand wash it over putting in a dishwater or letting your robot wash it.

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