Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Stripper cocktails!

Today I made my second effort to strip a chair. The first time I tried to do this it proved nearly impossible and took four different kinds of wood stripper and multiple people using muscle to get the job done. So today as an experiment I made a stripper cocktail. I mixed together all four strippers I had from the first attempt and brushed it on the chair. And with their powers combined they will become … Useful! Or they could just dilute each other, whatever. I’m letting it sit over night, I will know tomorrow. 


How to use old buttons

So you know when you buy clothing and it comes with extra buttons? Well, theses free buttons are one of the coolest craft supplies. Here's one example of how I used them. I took one of the unfinished glassless picture frames you can get at any craft store for cheap and I used a staple gun to attach some wire mesh sold at any home improvement store. Then I took some regular house hold glue and glued buttons to the front.  This created a jewelry and sunglasses holder that any person who has ever used buttons can be proud to own. 

 jewelry holder